bhworks for Schools

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Screen Students for Behavioral Health and Safety Risk

bhworks gives students the opportunity to enter responses on a computer or mobile device, helping schools screen whole student populations with minimal staff. In addition to mental health conditions like depression, trauma, anxiety, substance use, and eating disorders, our screeners also surface psychosocial stressors that contribute to suicidality, self-harm, and violence – things like access to guns, family environment, bullying, physical/sexual abuse, sexual behavior, gender identity, and exercise.


Click here to view a video case study involving our school-based behavioral health intervention program.

Implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support

With workflows and best practices configured directly in bhworks, staff can seamlessly manage interventions based on a student’s risk scores. Implement a school-based behavioral intervention or connect students to behavioral health specialists in the community, collaborating with clinicians through a secure, HIPAA compliant messaging system. When students are periodically screened, clinicians or staff can track outcomes over time.

Track Symptom Prevalence by School, District or State

bhworks can aggregate and display de-identified screening information across schools, school districts, or states. Drill down by any variable such as age, gender, location, or behavioral health domain. Choose variables to monitor in real-time, providing targeted insights for school resource officers, administrators, counselors, and school psychologists.

Leading By Example

Our clients have great stories, and we love sharing them.

mdlogix is helping its clients raise awareness of behavioral and mental health programs state by state.

Solano County Mobile Crisis Team: A Tsunami of Need

California’s Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) began using bhworks software platform from mdlogix in 2019. SCOE is a partner to Solano County’s six school districts, providing services and oversight that help them serve approximately 64,000 students.

Michigan’s Bay-Arenac ISD Experience in Launching bhworks Software Platform

When students in the Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District (BAISD) returned to in-person classes in late August, Jennifer Ayers, BAISD supervisor of special education and 31n coordinator, along with Michelle Goaley, BAISD director of instructional services, and their counselors, administrators, and teachers spent the summer getting prepared to deploy the bhworks software system.

Organizing and Conducting a Student Mental Health Screening Using bhworks Software

Melissa L. Groden, MS, HS-BCP, CFRS Director of Prevention, Training & Education The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. as Interviewed By: Marjorie Tharp VP, Marketing & Communications mdlogix

Watch How the Dover School District Screens Children with Confidence

Presented by Kirsten Johnson, LCSW Director, social work services Dover Area School District Harrisburg area, PA.


Saving Young Lives through Collaboration and Technology

Michigan Statewide Deployment of bhworks in Schools to Address Youth Mental Health October 6, 2021 presented at the NAME Annual Conference.

This 9-Minute Video is All You Need to Watch: A Proven Model to Help K-12 School Students with Emotional Health Needs

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Improve and enhance your school’s system to identify children and teens with behavioral health problems. The collaborative/technology model currently used statewide in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kansas, and other locations across the country, is ready to make a big impact on your outcomes.

West Chester Invests in Universal Screening and the Results are Clear

Carol Rothera, an intervention counselor for 17 years and current supervisor for student services in the West Chester Area School District (WCASD) in West Chester, Pa., set the stage for successful universal screenings seven years ago.

Dover School Eagles Ready To Soar With Universal Screening

The year was 2017, and Kirsten Johnson, the first director of social work services in Pennsylvania’s Dover Area School District (DASD), remembers her job interview. The District is located southeast of Harrisburg, the state capital, and educates over 3,600 students in grades K-12. It never had a social worker on staff. Kirsten asked what were their expectations for the position and what were the latest student needs assessments?

A Healthy Road Ahead for Teens with Anxiety, Stress, & Depression

A mental health check up should be the same as a physical health check up. No stigma. mdlogix is working with school districts across the country to reduce youth anxiety, stress, depression and suicides. Its comprehensive, validated bhworks software platform has no rival. The platform is an end-to-end technology infrastructure allowing providers to use best practices. bhworks is successfully working in schools, hospital emergency departments, primary care settings, community-based organizations and workplaces.

Adapting to a Changing Landscape

The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania has been steadily expanding use of BH-Works since they started using the platform in 2016 for the state Student Assistance Program (SAP). When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to transition to virtual learning environments, the agency was ready to support students during a time they needed it most.

A Proactive Approach to Student Wellness

Solano Office of Education (SCOE) is working to help expand behavioral health support in the county’s six independent school districts. By leveraging technology and an expanding network of school wellness centers, the county is poised to deliver vital services throughout the pandemic and beyond.

The Pennsylvania Model

With the help of Drexel University’s Center for Family Intervention Science, mdlogix has been helping the state of Pennsylvania utilize bhworks in various clinical and non-clinical settings since 2008. In 2013, the state began providing bhworks to any SAP team (Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program) interested in using the tool to screen adolescents for mental health problems, substance use, and psychosocial risk factors.