Organized by mdlogix, home of the bhworks student mental health software system
The Multi State Collaborative was established in spring 2022 to enable those working to prevent, treat and solve youth behavioral and mental health issues to collectively share best practices across states. Participants, including presenters, are from Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, Maryland, Delaware, Kansas, and more.
The collaborative meets every quarter (invitation only) for one hour. Please email Marjorie McKee, mdlogix VP for marketing and communications, , to receive an invitation to the next meeting.
Recordings of the quarterly meetings will be available on this page. In between meetings, we encourage you to “Meet Me at This Spot.”
Third Quarter Multi State Collaborative Meeting; Thurs. September 26, 2024 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Eastern; Pennsylvania 10-Year GLS Case Example.
Student Suicide Prevention Using Technology
From 2014 – 2024, bhworks student mental health software has been in use by the Student Assistance Program (SAP) agencies in Pennsylvania. The goal has been to establish and implement policies and procedures that support statewide youth suicide prevention efforts. Pennsylvania funded this project with two, 5-year Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grants from the federal government.
During this meeting, we will summarize the progress in the PA program along with technology growth. With the latest GLS grant awardees announced – New York and Nevada partnered with bhworks to receive funding this round – we will also discuss where we are headed with software in identifying and preventing students from harming themselves and/or others.
Collaborative meetings are by invitation only to K-12 school representatives. Email to RSVP & for Zoom Meeting details.
Please email questions, comments, topic ideas, or requests to
Second Quarter Multi State Meeting; Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Topic: School-Based Anxiety & Mental Health Coaching Data.
First Quarter Multi State Collaborative Meeting; Thursday, Feb. 8.
Topic: The Roadmap to Funding and Creating an Effective K-12 Student Mental Health System with Case Examples from Arizona and Nevada.
Welcome and Multi State Collaborative Overview and Resources: Presenters
Johari Eligan, MEd, Program Lead, SAMHSA GLS State/Tribal project
Dana Walburn, LCSW, formerly with the Nevada Dept. of Education & Project AWARE grantee; now team mdlogix
Find out what federal and state funding is available for K-12 student mental and behavioral health programs. During this meeting, attendees heard from a SAMHSA program lead about GLS — suicide prevention grant and how Nevada Dept. of Education is fulfilling their Project AWARE grant. Other funding opportunities were discussed along with resources to get funding announcements, a state by state opioid settlement funding resource, and a website with grant writing tips and guidance for approaching foundations for support.
Welcome and Multi State Collaborative Overview and Resources: Presenters
Aaditya Goswami, mdlogix CEO;
David Jobes, PhD, Founder of CAMS-Care. LLC
The Hope Institute’s CEO Derek Lee, PhD
A new model combining an innovative technology infrastructure–bhworks student mental health software system–with evidence-based treatment in collaboration with The Hope Institute and CAMS-Care, LLC.
The Institute specializes in outpatient, short-term crisis intervention and stabilization for individuals experiencing suicidal ideation. It utilizes the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) framework and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), two evidence-based practices that have been proven to effectively treat suicidal ideation.
Welcome and Multi State Collaborative Overview and Resources: Marjorie McKee, VP, marketing and communications, mdlogix
Scott Hutchins, School Mental Health and Medicaid Consultant, Michigan Dept of Education – statewide view of de-identified student mental health data;
Kristy Alimenti, Ed.S., Mental Health Services & Systems Coordinator, Delta-Schoolcraft Intermediate School District (ISD), Escanaba, Michigan – implementing bhworks software since fall 2021
Collecting Data in Real Time is a Game Changer:
Find behavioral health factors; Understand what’s driving outcomes; Address health disparities; Identify areas of need; Discover population trends; Forecast costs; Generate reports for funders.
Welcome and Multi State Collaborative Overview and Resources: Marjorie McKee, VP, marketing and communications, mdlogix
Using Medicaid Expansion Funds for Student Mental Health Services Speakers:
Kevin Bauer, PhD, Medicaid School Services Policy Specialist, Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services
Scott Hutchins, School Mental Health and Medicaid Consultant, Michigan Dept. of Education
Using Medicaid expansion funds to improve student mental health outcomes is possible. Follow Michigan’s model on how to accomplish this within your state HHS and DOE departments. Increase provider reimbursement and participation, and use software technology to increase efficiency and generate outcomes data. See Medicaid presentation below for more information.
Welcome and Multi State Collaborative Overview and Resources: Marjorie McKee, VP, marketing and communications, mdlogix
Julie Coupler Emig. executive director, Education Plus Health and the Pennsylvania School-Based Health Alliance.
She discussed how nurses in school-based health centers screen students.
Kristen Johnson, former director of social work services with Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania. In that role, she led universal screening for grades 7 and 9 starting in 2018, and started to expand to grades 6-12.
We shared basic steps, challenges, successes, and resources to make you feel confident in screening and doing so successfully. See helpful resources links below:
Welcome and PA Student Assistance Program (SAP) Overview: Tita Atte, MPH, CPH – Director, Mental Health Screening, Center for Family Intervention Science, Drexel University and Co–Chair, Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative (BHLC) of Pa
Summary of the Michigan 31n/ISD program: Scott Hutchins, Medicaid/Mental Health Consultant, Michigan Dept. of Education
Behavioral Health Screen (BHS) as a common Pennsylvania screener: Guy Diamond, PhD, Director, Center for Family Intervention Science, Drexel University and BHLC of Pa Co–Chair
Questions/Discussion about the BHS Michigan case study: Margot Lechlak, Mental Health Coordinator, Monroe County Intermediate School District (ISD)
Questions/Discussion about Monroe
County case study
Poll about Future Meeting Topics & Conclusion
Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative (BHLC) of Pennsylvania
Our mission: For over a decade, stakeholders across Pennsylvania have been helping organizations establish and implement policies and procedures that support statewide youth suicide prevention efforts.
This interdisciplinary team has grown to include hundreds of organizations, including healthcare providers, schools, mental health agencies, drug & alcohol agencies, Student Assistance Program liaisons, colleges, universities, and crisis responders.
We continue to strengthen and grow this network of people working towards the same goal – to prevent suicide and support the behavioral health needs of people across Pennsylvania.
BHLC Grant Writing Group – past meetings, resources, grant announcements, and more: