Use bhworks in a Range of Settings

bhworks is a behavioral and mental health software platform that can be accessed from any web-enabled device, providing organizations with the tools they need to deliver behavioral health services anywhere people study or receive care for example. With easy to use features that streamline screening, care coordination, and outcomes reporting, bhworks can address behavioral health issues in a range of settings, including K-12 schools, state and local agencies, hospitals, and primary care facilities.

K-12 Schools

Providing Mental Health Support to Schools

bhworks can provide standardized, web-based behavioral health risk assessment to students across your state. We can also help configure workflows with contracted service providers, helping to streamline data collection and reporting processes. Create, automate, and monitor multi-tiered interventions for at-risk students, connecting to Medicaid billing mechanisms when applicable.

State and Local Agencies

Public/private partnerships are powerful, but managing many independent organizations can be challenging. bhworks can serve as a central data hub for government-sponsored programs, helping to evaluate quality measures, scale programs, and track activities across sites. Best of all, you can say goodbye to your spreadsheets. bhworks is equipped with an analytics engine that can aggregate and display data in real-time, allowing for easy reporting and program evaluation.

Health Care Provider Offices, Hospitals & Schools

Address Social Determinants of Health

Collaborate with community-based organizations to address barriers to care like access to employment, housing, transportation, food, and phone service. Real-time dashboards give you population-level information that can help your organization better allocate resources for value-based care programs, addressing issues that affect a patient’s health outcomes long after they leave your school or facility.

Have a Project in Mind?

We’re always looking for new opportunities. Whether you’re a software company with a complimentary application or a non-profit, state government agency or school district looking to submit a grant proposal, we would love to learn more about you and your work.